Предлагаем вашему вниманию вторую часть подборки из 100 цветных фотографий Америки сороковых годов прошлого века, сделанные разными авторами. В основном кадры снятые на плёнку 4х5 Kodachrome, но есть и кадры с 35-мм техники.
Смотрите также: Машина времени | США | Сороковые (Часть 1)
Источник: Жжурнал/podakuni
1. 1942 | B-25 bomber assembly hall, North American Aviation, Kansas City | Alfred Palmer
2. 1942 | Engine inspector for North American Aviation at Long Beach, California | Alfred Palmer
3. 1942 | Riveter at Douglas Aircraft Corporation plant in Long Beach, California | Alfred Palmer
4. 1942 | Furnace man at phosphate smelter, TVA chemical plant near Muscle Shoals, Alabama | Alfred Palmer
5. 1942 | B-25 bomber final assembly line at North American Aviation works, Inglewood, California | Alfred Palmer
6. 1942 | A painter cleans the tail section of a P-51 Mustang fighter prior to spraying with olive-drab camouflage. North American Aviation plant, Inglewood, California | Alfred Palmer
7. 1942 | Final assembly for a B-25 bomber at North American Aviation, Inglewood, California | Alfred Palmer
8. 1942 | Truck driver at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Douglas Dam | Alfred Palmer
9. 1942 | Big Pete" Ramagos, a rigger at work on the TVA's Douglas Dam in Tennessee | Alfred Palmer
10. 1943 | Touching up the U.S. Army Air Forces insignia on a "Vengeance" dive bomber manufactured at Consolidated-Vultee's Nashville division | Alfred Palmer
11. 1940 | Servicing an A-20 bomber at Langley Field, Virginia | Alfred Palmer
12. 1942 | Assembling switchboxes on the firewalls of B-25 bombers at North American Aviation's Inglewood, California | Alfred Palmer
13. 1942 | Workers installing fixtures and assemblies in the tail section of a B-17F bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant in Long Beach, California | Alfred Palmer